The Tabin wildlife reserve is located 25km northeast of Lahad Datu in eastern Sabah. It was initially set up in 1984 and extends for about 50km from east to west and 25kn from north to south. The reserve contains 11% of primary dipterocarp rainforest, and the rest is secondary rainforest. The Tabin reserve is surrounded by palm oil plantations. Inside there is some wildlife, large mammals such as for instance elephants, deer, monkeys and wild boar, although it is not easy to spot wildlife due to the dense forest. To reach the Tabin wildlife reserve, from Lahad Datu it's a one and a half hour drive on a paved road along the coast, followed by a gravel and mud road which passes through a number of palm oil plantations before reaching the resort.
01 Gravel road 02 Gravel road 03 Gravel road 04 Gravel road across oil palm plantation 05 Oil palm plantation
06 Oil palm plantation 07 Gate to Tabin reverve 08 Unpaved road 09 Unpaved road 10 Unpaved road
01 Trogon hall 02 Trogon hall and staff quarters 03 River lodges 04 Tabin resort headquarter
05 Sunbird cafe 06 Planks walkway 07 Hill lodges 08 Tourists next Sunbird cafe 09 Planks walkway and resort headquarter
10 Hill lodges 11 Jans hide 01 Rock pool 02 Lipad river 03 Suspension bridge over Lipad river
04 Jungle trail 05 Jungle trail 06 Jungle trail 07 Lipad river 08 Vegetation 09 Lipad river
10 Tree trunk 11 Lipad river 12 Hibiscus rosa sinensis flower 13 Jungle trail 14 Jungle trail 15 Mouse deer
16 Treetops 17 Rainforest and treetops 18 Western border of Tabin reserve 19 Tropical rainforest
20 Tropical rainforest 21 Treetops 22 Western border of Tabin reserve
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